Wrap Around Care
The majority of families who attend Barkston Ash use two local providers of wrap around care.
1.) Playbase
Playbase run a breakfast club at Barkston Ash village hall between 7.30 and 8.45am. They walk the children to school in time for school starting at 8.45am.
Playbase run an after-school club in Barkston Ash school hall between 3.15pm and 6pm.
Both of these provisions are Monday-Friday, term-time only.
2.) Kids Planet
Kids Planet, Barkston Ash, run a year round 'Out of School' club, Monday-Friday.
The breakfast club is at Kids Planet between 8.00am and 8.45am. They transport the children to school via Minibus in time for the 8.45am start.
The after-school club is at Kids Planet between 3.15pm and either 5pm or 6pm, depending on requirements. They collect children at 3.15pm at the end of the school day and transport to Kids Planet via Minibus.