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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Trips and Residentials

Our curriculum is enhanced through a two-year rolling programme of Educational Visits.  This means that every year, each child in school has the opportunity to attend three Educational Visits with different curricular focuses.

In addition to the three visits per year, we have other off-site opportunities for children to take part in including Children's University workshops,  School Council parliament visit, Mini-Vinnies Community visits, Inter-school sports competitions, Faith in Action Pilgrimages, Singing opportunities through the Diocese and Local Area studies, including Mass at Scarthingwell church, to name a few.

We also host a number of workshops to further develop the curriculum experience for our children, including:

- Chaplin's Pantomime

- Zoolab

- Climate Change- Net Zero

- Living Eggs

- Hands on History

- Perfect Pitch Stars

Every two years, we plan a Residential Visit to Robinwood for our Year 5 and 6 children.  They always have an amazing time (including the staff!)