School Uniform
At Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School, all children are required to wear the following school uniform:
- Grey trousers (long or short)/skirt/pinafore
- Blue button down shirt (long or short sleeve)
- Navy blue v-neck jumper/cardigan
- School tie
- Grey or white socks
- Black shoes
From the start of the Summer term until the Autumn half term holiday only, children may wear:
- Light blue polo shirt
- Blue and white gingham dress
- Indoor - T-shirt in the colour of their team and navy/black shorts/leggings with bare feet (unless there are medical reasons for needing footwear)
- Outdoor – as indoor, with additional plain navy/black tracksuit (school logo ok but no brand names please) and outdoor trainers
- Inter-school competitions – the children will be loaned a school football kit/cricket top for matches
In the interest of safety, the only jewellery permitted in school is a wristwatch and stud earrings (for pierced ears only). Children must remove jewellery before PE lessons.
Children are not permitted to wear make up or nail varnish.
Children should bring a small bag daily, including their planner and water bottle, to keep in their individual lockers. Coats and packed lunches are also stored in lockers.
Items with the school logo
Should you wish to purchase items with the school logo e.g. jumpers, bookbags etc, they are available from the following suppliers:-
APC Clothing – 01937 833449 –
(If you are collecting the order from APC enter ‘collectorder’ in the voucher code box to remove the delivery charge.)
Fivestar Design Embroidery Service – 01937 832579 –
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child's name.