Healthy School Meals
Freshly cooked meals are available in school at a cost of £3.30 per day. The school follows a 3 week rolling menu of meals throughout the term and the menu changes each term.. See the link below for our current menu.
Meals are booked in advance for the term. Key Stage 2 meals must be paid for via the online system, ParentPay before they are taken. Meals for Key Stage 1 pupils are funded through the Universal Infant Free School Meals Programme. Through a government initiative, KS1 children are also offered a variety of free fresh fruit to eat every morning.
Food from home
Your child may bring a piece of fruit to eat at morning breaktime.
Your child may bring a packed lunch to school instead of a having a school meal. Drinks must be in leak proof containers - no glass items – and only water is allowed in school to drink. We encourage you to send your child with a healthy, balanced packed lunch. Please note- chocolate and other sweets are not permitted in packed lunches. We also ask that no nuts be brought into school in case of children with nut allergies.