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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Prayers 

Prayer forms an integral part of our life at Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School. We regularly meet together as a whole-school and have regular prayers that we say during the day in class.  In addition to this, children learn new prayers linked to their RE lessons and Sacramental Preparation sessions. These are set out in our school prayer policy.

As well as learning prayers linked to their faith for particular purposes and seasons, the children also have regular opportunities to develop their own personal prayer life through quiet reflection and meditation.

Using our prayer garden, the children have regular circle time prayer sessions where they share their prayer intentions, pray communally and have moments of individual prayer and reflection.


Nurturing the prayer life of the children in our school forms part of our school’s aims, and enables our pupils to:

- develop their individual relationship with God;

- know that they are loved by God.

The prayer book below sets out some of the prayers that we use in school.


Our Prayer Book

Our Prayer Garden

Ms Murray leads sessions for the children across school every Wednesday afternoon, linked to the Virtues.  The children enjoy these sessions where they have the opportunity to listen, discuss, reflect and share thoughts and experiences with the other children.

Mrs Vaughan leads sessions for the staff every morning at 8.30am, linked to scripture and reflections in the Sacred Space Prayer book.  Staff appreciate the opportunity to attend these sessions and further their own spiritual development.




Our Faith in Action group do an excellent job of tending to our Prayer Garden and making sure it is a lovely environment for everyone to use!



Collective Worship

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18

Collective Worship is a core aspect of our school's catholic identity. The importance of spending time in the presence of God has been fundamental to the Catholic way of life for centuries.

Here at Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School, we ensure that our children have broad and varied opportunities to experience God through prayer and worship.



Who’s involved / Where

Led by



Whole school liturgy in the hall, based  on the previous Sunday’s Gospel – Utilising Ten:Ten and Mark 10 Mission resources

·       Headteacher


Contributions from children across school such as reading the Gospel, asking questions, role-play.


Meditation- EYFS and KS1 in classes, KS2 together in the hall


•   Teachers in classes

•   Teachers and/or KS2 children in the hall


Whole school singing liturgy in the hall, extending prayer through song

•   Teachers and/or KS2 children


Class Worship in classrooms

•   EYFS and KS1 children contribute to liturgy through, e.g. choosing hymns and writing prayers

•   Child-led liturgy in KS2 classes


Whole school celebration liturgy in the hall, four part structure followed and certificates given (parents invited)

•   Children in year 6 who write their own script each week


One class also share learning each week



  • The Wednesday Word is shared on our school website.
  • Prayer Garden Virtue liturgy (linked to current Diocesan Virtue to Live By) is every Wednesday afternoon on a three-weekly rota basis.  All children attend a session in small groups, linked to each virtue.
  • Children and staff access Ten:Ten resources to support liturgy planning and these can be shared/accessed at home via Google Classroom.
  • Prayer Garden Sacred Space liturgy for staff is led Tuesday-Friday mornings by the Headteacher.




We attend weekly Masses at Scarthingwell Church, with a different class attending each week.  Fr. Henry Longbottom works closely with the school to ensure children are involved and services are well attended by parents, carers and parishioners.  Children are encouraged to participate fully in the Masses through singing, reading and serving.



Holy Days of Obligation

Sundays and holy days of obligation are days on which the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass [… and to] abstain from those works and affairs which hinder the worship to be rendered to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s day, or the suitable relaxation of mind and body (Code of Canon Law, Canon 1247).

Holy days mark days in the liturgical year of special importance or that merit special celebration. Worldwide, there is some variation in the dates of celebration of holy days as local Church authorities acknowledge patron saints or allow the celebration of holy days that occur during the week on the nearest Sunday. In England and Wales, according to a 1984 decision of the Bishops’ Conference, holy days which fall on Saturday or Monday are in general transferred to the Sunday. From the first Sunday of Advent 2006 the feasts of The Epiphany of the Lord, The Ascension of the Lord and the Body and Blood of Christ have also routinely been transferred to the neighbouring Sunday. With effect from the 1 Sunday of Advent 2017, two holy days of obligation have been reinstated: The Epiphany of the Lord, 6 January and The Ascension of the Lord, Thursday after 6 Sunday of Easter.

Holy Days of Obligation

Epiphany of the Lord

6th January

Ascension of the Lord

12th May

St Peter and Paul

30th June

Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary

15th August

All Saints

1st November


25th December

See liturgyoffice.org.uk for Table of Liturgical Dates

Education Sunday

Education Sunday falls on the second Sunday of September and is one of the oldest Days of Special Prayer in England and Wales, established 175 years ago in 1848. It provides an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to all involved in making Catholic schools places of enlightenment, as well as to look forward in anticipation of the year ahead.