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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Pastoral Support

Learning Mentor

My role in school is to provide a safe space outside of class for children to talk about the issues that are important to them, especially those that may be barriers to learning or happiness at school.

This gives time for children to share their concerns and to make an Action Plan with a trusted adult. Sometimes this will involve sharing difficulties or plans with a teacher or parent.



Work is delivered as:

  • Focused 1 to 1 intervention sessions, using activities, art and craft and informal counselling
  • Small group work
  • Friendship groups or mediation sessions
  • Training Peer Mentors to do playground mediation with younger children
  • Playground cover and supporting Peer Mentors.

Time with a Learning Mentor might be used for memory work in response to a bereavement, work on managing feelings such as worry, or activities like lego therapy for building social skills.

A Learning Mentor is not meant to replace the pastoral care provided by other members of staff, but to complement and support their work through discussion and our whole school approach.

If you think your child would benefit from specialist support, please speak to their class teacher about a referral.

Thank you

Ms West

Learning Mentor