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What is PSHE?
Personal, Social and Health Education is a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help children and young people grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and of social and economic communities. The programme also encompasses RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, sexuality and sexual health. It will support pupils to gain accurate information, develop skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. It will also give pupils essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful, loving and non-exploitative relationships, staying safe both on and offline. This will enable them to take responsibility for their body, relationships, reproduction, sexual health and wellbeing.
High-quality PSHE helps to create safe school communities in which pupils can grow, learn, and develop positive, healthy behaviours for life, and learn about safeguarding both on and offline.
We have weekly PSHE sessions which cover progression across seven strands:
- RHE (statutory)
- Keeping Safe and Managing Risk
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
- Physical Health and Wellbeing
- Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education
- Careers, Financial Capability and Economic Wellbeing
- Identity, Society and Equality
Delivery of Relationships, Sex and Health Education
In the academic year 2020/21, Relationships and Health Education (RHE) became statutory in all primary schools in England. This new subject will build on the non-statutory lessons we have previously taught in PSHE.
As a Catholic school, our mission is to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils, rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. The Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.
We have decided to use Life to the Full by TenTen Resources. TenTen is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well-respected and very experienced in this field of work.
Life to the Full has been approved by our diocese. Furthermore, TenTen have entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of the new statutory curriculum. Therefore, we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our school.
Through their programme, TenTen understand the foundational role that parents have in educating and nurturing their children on these matters. Within the programme, they have built in resources which will not only keep you informed about what is being taught in school, but will also give you the opportunity to engage your children in discussion, activity and prayer.
Assessment will be carried out through making informal judgements through observation and discussion with the children and through the work they produce in lessons. Children will be assessed against the key learning identified in the planning overview at the end of each unit to give an overall judgement of children’s understanding of PSHE.
Pupil Voice will show:
- A developed understanding of their relationships, safety and physical and mental health.
- A secure understanding of their futures in relation to money and work alongside an aspirational attitude.
- A progression of understanding, with appropriate vocabulary which supports and displays maturity.
- Confidence in discussing PSHE themes and their place in the curriculum and their own lives, their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development.
The Parental Right to withdraw their child
Although Relationship Education is now compulsory for all children, parents will be able to withdraw their child from primary school classes which address sex education - i.e. those that do not sit within the Relationships Education curriculum. This content sits within the 'Key Decisions' in Life to the Full and parents and carers will be informed prior to any Key Decision content being delivered. It is important to note however that maintained primary schools are required to teach National Curriculum Science, which includes some elements of sex education and parents do not have a right to withdraw from this.
Parents wanting to exercise this right are invited to see the PSHE Lead, Mrs Vikki Vaughan (Headteacher), who will explore their concerns.
If a child is withdrawn they will be provided with alternative work for the duration of the lessons and consideration will be given on how to protect a pupil from the possible reaction of their peers to this withdrawal. Children will be aware that this withdrawal is optional and they will receive guidance on how to respond to other children following the session. Should the reaction of peers become more severe it will be dealt with on a case by case basis depending on the nature and severity of the reaction.