Physical Education
Long Term Plan
Subject Overview – PE & School Sports
What is the vision for your subject?
- To improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Barkston Ash, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes.
- For children to enjoy leading healthy, active lives and for this to become part of their daily routine.
- For less active children to become more engaged in physical activity.
- For children to develop skills and competence in a broad range of physical activities.
- For children to be able to be physically active for sustained periods of time.
- For children to engage in competitive and non-competitive sports and activities.
- For children to develop as young leaders, either within curriculum lessons, extra-curricular activities and/or through helping with the organisation of PE/school sport provision.
- For children to develop personal skills and embed these into other areas of their lives, for example: co-operation, collaboration, effective team work, friendship, courage, determination, resilience, fairness, respect, excellence.
How is the curriculum organised to achieve this?
- Long term plans show coverage of the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2.
- KS2 Outdoor and adventurous activities also include: Y5/6 residential to Robinwood activity centre in Cumbria and class trips to Outdoor Ted at the Skylark Centre, Barlow.
- Swimming and water safety: Swimming lessons take place in Y3/4 annually in the autumn term – any children who cannot swim 25m unaided at the end of the course of lessons are offered additional lessons.
- As Class 1 is a mixed Reception/Year 1 class, the KS1 long term plan for PE covers the most relevant early years outcomes for PE from the Physical Development and Expressive Arts & Design areas of learning alongside national curriculum requirements for Y1 and Y2.
- Medium term plans break down the sessions to be taught, including LOs, tops tips and brief outline of activities.
- Weekly class timetables show the timing/specific area to be covered in each of the 2 weekly PE sessions.
How is the subject planned/taught?
- Pupils take part in two PE sessions each week (one taught by the class teacher; one taught by a Total Sports coach), using planning and resources from a variety of sources.
- Inclusion of ‘alternative’ physical activities e.g. skipping, yoga.
- Opportunities for children to lead as part of PE lessons (e.g. lead warm-ups).
- Use of qualified specialist sports coaches to deliver taster sessions/blocks of lessons/CPD: e.g. cricket, rugby, basketball, yoga.
- Class 1 (EYFS/Y1) also have provision for physical activity in addition to weekly PE sessions.
- Timetable of cluster sports festivals/tournaments throughout the year, plus participation in football leagues – allowing children of all ability levels to take part in a range of competitions.
- A variety of lunchtime and after school clubs aimed at both KS1 and KS2 e.g. basketball, football, multisports, tennis.
- Home-school links include learning challenges (e.g. Class 4: plan and deliver a warm-up for a PE session) and personal challenges (throw and catch challenge; kick up challenge).
- The school year culminates with a School Games Day comprising of a morning of school sport and physical activities (e.g. tennis/cricket games, athletics activities) and a competitive ‘sports day’ afternoon.
- End-of-year sports awards.
We help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, and many also enjoy the success of competitive sports, both in and out of school. We equip our children with a variety of skills and a love for sport. They will hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives, utilising both the physical and personal skills and knowledge acquired through PE and school sport. The school has been awarded the School Games Gold award for the last 4 years in a row.
What is the attainment for this subject?
- Attainment is high throughout the school, with high percentages of children reaching at least the expected standard. The 2018/2019 assessment data shows that 100% of children at the end of Key Stage 1 achieved the expected end of year standard, with 17% reaching the exceeded standard. 100% of children at the end of Key Stage 2 achieved the expected end of year standard, with 36% reaching the exceeded standard.
- 99% of pupils (in Years 1-6) represented the school in competitive sport against other schools during the academic year 2018/2019.