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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Parish


Our Parish 

Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School forms part of the parish of St Joseph the Worker at Sherburn in Elmet.

Our parish is made up of two churches:

  • St Joseph the Worker, Sherburn in Elmet
  • The Immaculate Conception, Scarthingwell.

As a parish family, we pride ourselves on the close links that we have made with each other and often come together as a parish community in worship.  We enjoy regular visits to the churches when celebrating our Sacraments and also to perform a variety of concerts, including our EYFS/KS1 Nativity production.

Please follow the link below for the parish website:

St Joseph the Worker with The Immaculate Conception | Catholic Church

Sacramental Programme

At Barkston Ash, we work closely with Father Henry Longbottom and the Parish of St Joseph the Worker to prepare your children to receive their First Sacraments. In the Diocese of Leeds, the Sacraments of Initiation are celebrated for children during the following years of primary education:

  • Year 3– First Reconciliation
  • Year 4- First Holy Communion
  • Year 6– Confirmation

Information about these programmes goes out on our school and parish newsletters.  If you wish your child to receive these Sacraments, please contact the school office.

Preparation, Resources and Sessions

The children will work from their own work books and packs, created by the Diocese of Leeds. Mrs C Ward and Mrs Vaughan lead family preparation sessions in school for Confirmation, and First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion preparation sessions are after Sunday Mass. The Diocese has recently produced a new Confirmation resource (Empowered by the Spirit: The Gift of Confirmation).

There is an online portal provided by the diocese to support home learning available at: https://www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/education/first-sacraments/