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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Catholic Life

"Staff are strongly committed to the mission of the school; they are exemplary in the way they participate in and contribute to its life and mission. The sense of community is extremely joyful."  Outstanding, Section 48 inspection, June 2023.

At Barkston Ash, the Mission of our school and that of the Church, is central to all that we do.  We work hard to ensure that all members of our school family understand our Mission and contribute towards this in our community.

Everybody is welcomed into our school and encouraged to demonstrate the Virtues to Live By in all interactions with others.  We celebrate the presence of all cultures and belief traditions, ensuring everyone receives a warm welcome at Barkston Ash.

Throughout our curriculum, we learn about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and how the principles relate to the world that we live in.  As a community, we focus on providing service for those in greatest need, with children planning and leading their own initiatives on Fundraising Fridays.

Our governors, parents, children and staff contribute to the evaluation of our Catholic Life and their thoughts and ideas are taken into account in our school development planning.


Catholic Life