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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Barkston Ash Maths Long Term Planning.docx

Methods of calculation policy for parents

INTENT – Our aim for children at Barkston Ash is…

  • For children to become fluent in the fundamentals of maths through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time to develop: an understanding of why a mathematical idea is important and the kinds of contexts in which it is useful; the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • For children to be able to reason mathematically: follow a line of enquiry; make generalisations; develop an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • For children to be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
  • For children to use their mathematics learning in ‘real life’ contexts.

How is the curriculum organised to achieve this?

  • Long-term planning throughout the school is based on White Rose Maths planning, which follows the National Curriculum in a clear and logical order, steadily building on previously-learned skills and understanding.
  • In order to facilitate the delivery of lessons in mixed-age classes, the timing of some aspects of the planning may vary, and teachers will apply their professional knowledge and experience to make adjustments to the long-term planning in order to reflect the strengths/weaknesses in individual cohorts of children.
  • In Reception, the children explore the mathematical concepts they have been introduced to through provision areas. Teaching and understanding is then developed through conversations with the children whilst at play.  
  • All areas of maths (number, measurement, geometry, statistics + ratio/ proportion and algebra for Y6) are covered within an academic year and are revisited year on year.
  • Weekly class timetables show the area of maths to be covered with the specific White Rose Maths ‘small step’ indicated for each day.
  • White Rose Maths resources are used as a starting point, and class teachers supplement these with additional activities designed to further develop the children's understanding through reasoning, problem-solving and practical activities. 


  • Maths is taught daily, using White Rose Maths small steps as a guide, with a variety of concrete/pictorial/abstract resources.
  • Class 1 (Reception/Year 1) has maths activities integrated into the provision areas within the classroom to support adult-initiated and child-initiated learning.
  • Maths books show a range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving work.
  • A weekly times tables challenge for KS2 (more able children in Y2 will begin the challenge towards the end of the year) aims to ensure all children have instant recall of all times tables and related division facts up to 12x12.
  • Cross curricular opportunities are explored particularly in science (statistics/ data handling) and DT (measurement).
  • Other areas:
  • ‘The Apprentice’ challenge in Class 5 – children are given an initial budget of £4 from which they build and market a business and sell their products with the aim of making as much profit as they can. This includes the opportunity to hire a stall at the Christmas Fayre to sell their products. They also produce costings, outgoings, revenue and profit analysis to present to a panel in January.  Approximate overall profit is around £1800, which the class then decide how to allocate: school, local community, the class + sponsor a child from Togo.
  • Primary Maths Challenge (November) for Y5 and Y6 to promote/develop problem solving skills.
  • Whole school maths homework on a weekly basis to consolidate the previous week’s learning.
  • KS2 homework learning challenges (optional homework activities set on a termly basis) include maths challenges (e.g. create a poster to display your maths learning; list 10 items found in your home, estimate how heavy they are, weigh them and record your results in kg and grams).
  • Maths interventions: Sandwell diagnostic tests followed by targeted intervention by an experienced TA (to address gaps in knowledge and to support class curriculum teaching); year group interventions developed by maths subject leader and head teacher and delivered by an experienced TA or head teacher.
  • School Council and Mini Vinnies manage their own budgets and run stalls at Christmas/Summer Fayres (cash handling).
  • Class charities: individual classes organise fundraising events to raise money for their chosen charities.
  • Maths lessons are planned to be accessible to all children, including those with additional needs, making amendments and differentiation where appropriate.


What is the attainment for this subject?

  • Attainment is high throughout the school, with high percentages of children reaching at least the expected standard.

Any particular highlights in the data?

Average attainment for all year groups in June 2019 was at least In Line B.

  • KS1 maths 2019: 88.9% of children achieved the expected standard (National 75.8%; North Yorkshire 74.3%), with a trend of +13.9% from 2017-2019.
  • KS2 maths 2019: 100% of children achieved the expected standard (National 78.6%; North Yorkshire 76.6%), with a trend of +5.6% from 2017-2019.
  • EYFS Number 2019: 95% of children in reception achieved
  • Times tables Challenge: 2019/2020 – a record of 48 children became times table champions!