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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Home School Agreement 

Here at Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School, we believe that working in partnership with families is essential to both the happiness and positive outcomes of our children.  We encourage all members of the school community to respect and value each other, appreciating the different roles that people have.  We use this Home School Agreement to ensure all involved are clear about their responsibilities and expectations and hope that, by working together, we can support the aims and values of our school.

We invite all families to read and agree to the statements below:

Parents and Carers Will

To help my child at school and to acknowledge that parents are the first educators of children, I will do my best to:

  • Support and work with the school and encourage a positive attitude to catholic education and encourage their participation in the development of their faith and the Catholic Life of the school
  • Make sure that my child attends school regularly and is on time each day
  • If my child is absent, let the school know the reason why before 9am
  • Let the school know if any problems outside school may affect my child’s work or behaviour
  • Send my child to school wearing school uniform and with the correct equipment
  • Support the school’s behaviour policy
  • Take an active part in my child's education, encouraging my child to read at home and do any other homework/remote learning set by the school
  • Attend parent’s evenings and any discussion sessions on my child’s progress
  • Read letters and other communications from school and reply as necessary
  • Respect local residents by driving safely and parking appropriately when dropping off/collecting my child
  • Support the school approach to online safeguarding and not deliberately upload or add any images, videos, sounds or texts that could upset or offend any member of the school community
  • Support the school's stance on the use of technology and ICT equipment. Images taken of pupils at school events will be for personal use only and not uploaded or shared via the internet.
  • Parents and carers are asked to read through and sign acceptable use agreements on behalf of their children on admission to school

School Will

To help your child at school and to support parents/carers in their task of nurturing the children within a catholic community, the school will do its best to:

  • Demonstrate our faith and our school’s foundation in the teachings of Jesus Christ by what we teach and the way we live and worship in the school
  • Provide a safe and attractive learning environment
  • Provide a well-planned & delivered curriculum designed to develop a broad range of academic and social skills
  • Value your child as a member of the school community and offer opportunities for families to be involved in the life of the school
  • Communicate effectively, keeping you informed of learning activities and events
  • Help your child to achieve & maintain high standards of work and behaviour that will enable them to achieve their full potential
  • Recognise and reward effort and achievement in both academic and social situations
  • Provide you with information on your child’s learning and progress
  • Let you know if your child begins to develop difficulties in their learning or behaviour
  • Listen and respond to concerns and complaints from pupils and parents in a positive and consistent manner

Pupils Will

To help me do well at school and to develop the special talents God has given me, I will do my best to:

  • Positively participate in the catholic life of the school by following Jesus' example
  • Get to school on time each day
  • Take pride in my work and in wearing my school uniform
  • Bring the things I need to school
  • Listen to the school staff and work hard
  • Follow the 5 golden rules
  • Be polite, saying 'please' and 'thank you'
  • Ask for help if I have a problem
  • Make a positive contribution to wider school life; being a positive role model to others
  • Try to read each day at home and do my homework