Academy Council
What is the role of the Governors?
Governors have a strategic remit which means that they are not involved in the everyday running of the school.
Their role is to:
- Ensure clarity of catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Hold the appropriate senior leadership within the school to account for the educational performance and catholic character of the school and its pupils; and for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, including performance management of staff; and;
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
How often do Governors meet?
Governors meet every half term.
Can I see a copy of the meeting minutes?
Copies of the minutes of Governing Board meetings are available on request from the school office.
How do I raise a question or issue relating to the school?
Any concerns should be raised, in the first instance, with either your child's class teacher or the Headteacher. If the concerns are about the Headteacher, these should be raised with the Chair of Governors. Please refer to our complaints policy for further guidance -Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School - Policies
How do I contact Governors?
For any enquiries, questions and messages for the attention of the Governing Board, please contact us via the school office:
London Road, Barkston Ash, Nr Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9PS
01937 557373
Please ensure that your correspondence is clearly marked for the attention of the Governor with whom you wish to make contact. Thank you.
Academy Conversion Consultation Documents
- 20230922 bishop-s-vision-for-catholic-schools-in-the-diocese-of-leeds
- 20231201 bacps final faqs catholic-multi-academy-trusts v2
- 2023-ces-governors-code-of-conduct-for-governors-in-va-schools-colleges-and-sixth-form cofgsigned
- academy-conversion-bwcat
- academy-conversion-consultation-letter-to-parents
- ba-governor-register-of-interests-2024-2025
- governor-attendance-2023-24-ba
- meeting-attendance-21-22-full-year
- meeting-attendance-22-23-final
Meet the Governors!
Statutory Financial Information Sharing
The number of school employees who have a gross salary of £100k or more is 0 (zero).
A link to our Schools Financial Benchmarking:
Governor Vacancies
No vacancies at present.