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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Long Term Plan

y3 y6 primary french sow overview.pdf


Year Group Overview Documents

Subject Overview - MFL

At Barkston Ash, we are aware of the huge benefits that language learning provides.


Our aim and vision for this subject is:

  • For children to enjoy learning a foreign language and to develop a love of languages.
  • For children to read, speak and write French with increasing confidence and fluency.
  • For children to develop an appreciation of the cultures of different countries.
  • To provide children with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.

How is the curriculum organised to achieve this?

  • The MFL curriculum is organised using the iLanguages French scheme of work.
  • Medium term plans break down the sessions to be taught, including learning objectives, KS2 Framework objectives, tops tips and skills covered.
  • Weekly class timetables show the timing/specific area to be covered.
  • Step-by-step lesson plans with objectives, success criteria and assessments mapped to the National Curriculum and KS2 framework, along with resources including PowerPoints, sound files and pupil activity booklets.


How is the subject planned/taught?

  • French is taught regularly in KS2 through discreet lessons, usually either weekly or fortnightly and delivered by the class teacher.
  • The iLanguages lessons are sequenced so that prior learning is considered and opportunities for revision of language and grammar are built in.
  • Lessons and resources help children to build on prior knowledge alongside the introduction of new skills.
  • Due to the nature of our KS2 mixed-age classes (Class 3 Y3/4, Class 4 Y4/5, Class 5 Y5/6), each class will focus on a different set of lessons but will revisit these each year.  Class teachers are provided with year group expectations for listening, speaking, reading and writing in MFL, to help them provide appropriate challenge/extensions for those children who are covering the same topics for a second year.
  • Wider curriculum: We have annual whole school European Days and International Days focussing on geography, language, culture etc.  This also enables KS1 children to be introduced to MFL through exploring other languages informally when learning about another country.
  • KS2 home learning challenges often include an MFL challenge e.g. Find out about how Christmas is celebrated in France and another foreign country; Learn how to count to 10 in a language that you don’t already know (not French!).


Going forward, using the full range of iLanguages resources and enhancement of the learning environment (e.g. displaying key French vocabulary) the profile of languages will increase across school.  Home learning challenges and development of language links/games on the school website help to improve school and parental engagement.  The intended impact would be for both teachers and pupils to enjoy French and therefore encourage the pupils to embark on further language studies.

What is the attainment for this subject?

  • Attainment is improving, with the majority of children in KS2 reaching the expected standard.
  • As French becomes more embedded, it is expected that increased numbers of children will reach at least the expected standard.