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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Subject Documents

Computing Long Term Plan

Knowledge and vocabulary progression documents:

iMedia: iCommunicate

iMedia: iCreate

iMedia: iJam

iMedia: iProgram


Subject Overview – Computing


At Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School (BACPS), we aim for children to be proficient in their digital literacy, recognise and understand key concepts and have the knowledge to be able to keep themselves safe digitally at home and at school. In an increasingly digital society, these skills will help to prepare children through adolescence and into adulthood. The curriculum covered enables children to move forward with sound knowledge in computer science and programming, information technology, digital and online safety and how this translates into technology. Through this, we aim to teach children the multitude of ways IT can be incorporated into the workplace and how IT is utilised within a variety of industries. Our ultimate vision would be for an ex-pupil to contact us in later life and explain how we have impacted on their career within a digital role.


How is the curriculum organised to achieve this?

The vast majority of teaching is covered by an external agency: JuniorJam. The teaching covers the full range of the National Curriculum entitlement and allows children to apply the skills and knowledge learnt to real life contexts. This means there are a vast number of cross curricular links covered within the mainstay of the teaching. The topics have been organised so children work through from KS1 covering 'lite' modules with an introduction to the apps, language and knowledge which then progresses through KS2 with 'full' modules, beginning at L1 in C3 and increasing thereafter. As years have progressed, the challenge and 'level' taught now matches the children in Class 5, so that by academic year '22/'23, children in Class 5 will be taught 'Level 3/4' content. The long term plan is shown below. The knowledge and teaching are sequential, which allows children to work with new concepts and understanding these before learning new content. Skills and knowledge are covered repeatedly throughout a number of topics in different year groups to ensure that children are revisiting and consolidating their knowledge. e.g., using 'Tynker' in C2 with iCode, progressing to 'Blockly' in iLogic in C3. Children in C3 use Blockly to create simple Spirograph style art pieces and then moving characters according to sets of instructions. This then progresses to more challenging and extended sets of programming sequences with Blockly in L2 'Advanced iFunction' in C4.

The long term plan for academic year '22/23 is supplied below.

Children receive at least an hour of dedicated computing teaching each week and class teachers provide further opportunities for digital literacy skills across the curriculum. Regular drop-ins of teaching delivered by JuniorJam has shown high engagement and interest in the lessons and children progress with a good level of knowledge that is often added to cross curricularly. Class teachers work to include computing links within the curriculum, such as digital safety in PSHE and regular reminders throughout the curriculum, as well as literacy, geography and art. In the past, we have had children designing their own persuasive adverts which have been planned and written in literacy before being filmed and edited at a later date. Class 5 have created newspaper articles that they have written and then typed up to be sold as a newspaper. Due to the nature of computing teaching at BACPS, teachers are encouraged to regularly use digital technology within the classroom wherever possible to enable their professional knowledge and understanding of this subject to continue. Class 3 and 5 have been utilising a set of Chromebooks for the last 18 months whereby work has been set on Google Classrooms to enable children to work collaboratively on documents at the same time. Ultimately, children enjoy computing and having the chance to use digital technology within the classroom. Planning ensures that children are continously developing their digital literacy skills in a range of contexts emulating the wider world in which we live. The wide range of opportunities that children are afforded ensures that their developing knowledge broadens and deepens as they move through school.

Regular drop-ins of lessons taught by JuniorJam shoe children are highly engaged and motivated with their learning and enjoy the challenge and freedom they are given when accessing technology in lessons. Teachers throughout school enlist my help (Mr Hudson, the Computing/Hardware lead) on a regular basis, so I am able to stay in touch with the opportunities afforded for children by the teaching staff outside of these JuniorJam lessons. 


What is the attainment for this subject? 

Children achieve highly in computing. Staff are able to triangulate this attainment with regular feedback from JuniorJam, drop-ins to lessons, observing the skills and knowledge taught being applied within the classroom and regular assessment. Detailed plans and handovers provided by JuniorJam allow us to keep in touch with pupils' progression and to cross-reference the extensive yet vague National Curriculm statements so that we are crystal clear that pupils recieve the full National Curriculum entitlement. School utilise a number of interventional programmes such as Times Table Rockstars and Nessy Reading and Spelling., which in themselves have produced strong results for the school.

The end result is that children enjoy the subject and the opportunities afforded by teachers and teaching staff and benefit from the wide variety of cross-curricular teaching that is evident throughout school. Children feel safe and secure using technology and where to seek support when necessary. Children leave BACPS with both computer science knowledge and the digital literacy and safety needed achieve in life. 


  • All teaching staff have had iPad training focusing on ‘Useful Apps for the classroom’.
  • All TA’s have had computer training based on the skills required for them to meet their job.
  • All teaching staff have had interactive whiteboard training
  • The new subject lead has led workshops for teaching staff to enable them to deliver lessons using Google Classroom in the event of a lockdown or bubble closure.
  • Google Classroom has been used effectively within C3 and C5.
  • A class set of Chromebooks was purchased by the school with the help of the PTA and these have been utilised within C3 with a view to rolling these out within the ‘20/21 academic year. 
  • ICT is utilised effectively throughout the school with links made to a variety of subjects. Online safety is frequently discussed within classes, particularly around the use of apps such as ‘TikTok’ and ‘Smule’ and multiplayer games that utilise microphones and online platforms. We have led open evenings for parents to discuss the importance of online safety and how parents and school can work together to safeguard their children at home.
  • Digital Leaders is in its 2nd year at BACPS. This is an opportunity for children with a talent or passion for computing to enrich and enhance their knowledge and to support others throughout school with this.