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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Class 4 

Welcome to the Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School Website. With God's guidance we grow and learn.  

Welcome to Class 4!

Mr Tuck & Mrs Wilson

Class 4 Final Long Term Plan

Class 4's Reading Spine

reading spine 2 for website.pdf

Class 4's Curriculum News Letter

class 4 spring newsletter 2025.pdf



Please ensure children read at least three times a week at home and record this in their planners.

Formal English homework will continue to be sent on Mondays usually with a hand-in date of Friday.

Please also make sure that children use Timestables Rock Stars three times a week also, especially our Year 4 children as the timetables check is this year for them.

Formal maths homework will continue to be sent on Mondays usually with a hand-in date of Friday.

Spelling Bee for Autumn 2

Year 4

y4 spelling bee spring 1.pdf


Year 5

y5 spelling bee spring 1.pdf


Physical Education

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursdays this term.  Children will need to come to school in their school P.E. kits on these days.  Year 4 will go swimming on Tuesdays (please make sure they are in their P.E. kits and have a towel, costume, and goggles (if needed).