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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Class 3 

Welcome to our Class 3 webpage. Here, I hope you will find information that will support you and your child in their learning journey whilst in Class 3. Please feel free to see me at the start or end of the day and, if unable to, email the office where your email will be passed on to me accordingly. 


Monday: Spellings and maths homework sent home.

Tuesday AM: Y3 P.E. in school. Y4 swimming (Autumn term only)

On Tuesday and Thursday, please ensure that children arrive to school in appropriate clothing for the activity, topic and weather whilst following the uniform policy.

Friday: Times table challenge, spelling test, and homework due in.

Please ensure reading books and planners are in school every day.


Long Term Plan

Summer Term Curriculum Letter

Spring Term Class Curriculum Letter

Learning Challenges

Y3 weekly spellings (Spring term)

Y4 weekly spellings (Spring term)

Spelling Bee - Spring 1


Times Table Rockstars


We use 'Writing for a Purpose' to support our planning of English and writing. These are handy documents for you to see the type of writing and grammatical structures we will be teaching as part of the unit.

Writing for a Purpose



Reading Spine

At Barkston Ash, we are placing reading front and centre and striving to instil a love of reading for our students. Children will receive a 'reading scheme' book that will be changed regularly along with a 'free-read' from either the class or school library. Please support us in instilling a love of reading by listening to your child read regularly (10 minutes twice a week out loud) by discussing and asking questions about what they have read and sharing the books you enjoyed reading when you were their age. Even some special 1-on-1/3 time reading out loud to your child will help develop this love and passion.

Our as yet unnamed bear LOVES being read to - any photographs or videos of the bear being read to would be gratefully received either on Google Classroom or sent to the office. I'm looking forward to being able to put up lots of pictures of children reading in our reading area.


 We have been developing our knowledge of place value using counters to support us in multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We used the number of zeroes to help us identify how many places each digit moved and used counters to show this movement.


We have a subscription to Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. We access each on a daily basis but children would benefit from accessing these at home as well.

TTRs is great for building speed and resilience to times tables, and particularly important and helpful for a wide-range of areas in maths. 

Numbots is excellent for supporting the development of subitising and increasing recall speed for number bonds and addition/subtraction facts within 20. Please ensure children are accessing these as often as possible.

Class Liturgy

After helping Mr Hudson plan and deliver our class liturgies on a Thursday, our Y4s have begun to plan and lead our whole-class worship independently. Some of our Y3s are now beginning to plan liturgies to lead themselves whilst others are planning liturgies which Mr Hudson will help us to deliver.



 We had a fantastic time learning how to play the notes G, D, E and A to well-known pieces of music.

First Reconciliation

A number of our Class 3 children have continued on their faith journey, undertaking their first reconciliation with Canon Tim. Our Y4 children are preparing and working towards their First Holy Communion with their sacramental preparation sessions after 'Children's Mass'. Please keep all these children in your prayers and support them.