Charity Links
Tins on Tuesday!
On the first Tuesday of each month, a class is nominated to bring donations into school for Selby Food Bank. The collections are always substantial with the box overflowing on every occasion! We love supporting Selby Food Bank and they are always grateful for the generosity of our children and families.
Every year, our school community raises thousands of pounds for charity through a variety of fundraising activities and events. Some examples of this from the current academic year are:
Young Apprentice
Children in class 5 create their own businesses from a start up of £4 each. They design, create, market and sell products in order to raise money, then create a presentation to demonstrate their journey to staff and the other children.
The money generated from this annual project is used to support local community groups and to sponsor Rodrigue, a child who lives in Togo, Africa. The sponsorship money raised by the children in class 5 ensures that Rodrigue has access to education, Bible teaching, nutritious food, health care, games and home visits.
During this academic year, the children generated a total profit of £1840!
GIVE, ACT and PRAY during Lent 2023
As part of our Lenten Mission, some children across school decided to work together to raise money for charity. Some of the ideas that the children had involved selling items, games, creating comics, bookmarks and crafting. The teams worked hard to raise the following amounts for charity:
- Water Aid- £120
- Martin House- £65
- NSPCC- £50
- RSPCA- £137
- York SCBU- £32
GIVE, ACT and PRAY during Lent 2024
We worked hard to raise the following amounts for charity:
- Catholic Care £113
- CAFOD £285
We also take part in a variety of other events throughout the year to raise money for charity:
Macmillan Coffee Morning raised £128
RNLI Welly-fest raised £77
HH Movie Night raised £475