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Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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At Barkston Ash, we aim to prevent bullying through:

  • The school’s ethos and mission of With God's Guidance, we Grow and Learn.
  • A curriculum which fosters excellent relationships between all members of our school family.
  • Individual classroom strategies such as 'Worry boxes' where pupils can record concerns about themselves or others.
  • Community involvement in anti-bullying theme week.
  • Internet Safety taught throughout the curriculum and specific Theme days.
  • A curriculum which encompasses PSHE, RSE, Virtues to Live By, mental health and well-being.
  • Peer Mentors who are trained to support pupils with resolving low-level disagreements.
  • Learning Mentor weekly drop in session which is open to all children to attend.
  • Restorative approach to Behaviour management, ensuring pupils understand the impact of their actions and learn from their mistakes, adjusting future behaviour.
  • Fostering strong relationships with parents and carers to ensure openness when addressing challenging behaviour both in and outside school.


Anti-Bullying Policy

anti bullying policy.pdf